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One Winged Dove

This short and uncanny play revolves around the turbulent relationship between Sam, a talented yet troubled writer, and Valerie, his sharp and determined editor. As the play unfolds, Sam grapples with the weight of his own neurosis, haunted by his past choices and the fear of failure. Valerie, on the other hand, is caught between her own professional duties and boundaries and Sam's unusually personal demands. Within the intricate web of relationships, the presence of Lydia, Sam's girlfriend and Larry, his older brother, adds layers of depth perception in the second act. Through a late-night conversations filled with introspection and uncertainty, Lydia and Larry provide glimpses into Sam's troubled past and his recurring patterns of self-destruction, as well as their own. This probing, philosophical play does not provide answers, only questions.

cast & crew

Charlie Coursey
Meg MacCary
Alida Delaney
Zach Hendrickson

Written and directed by Matthew Gasda

Stage Manager Anastasia Wolfe

Music by Matthew Gasda

October 15


October 17
